This is an ‘Adult Content Blur’. You can add the blur during the upload photo flow, or by editing your photo. Occasionally STF admin will add the blur if we feel the content is adult, even if you have not checked the box.
Rules, Guidelines, Terms and Privacy
Can I upload a photo that contains violence?
No. Please read the STF Guidelines.
Can I upload a photo with nudity?
We understand nudity is a part of some photography, and can be a tough area to determine its appropriateness. As a rule, we are trying to keep Shoot the Frame a safe place for all members and users over the age of 13. Please make sure any photos which contain nudity have the ‘adult content’ […]
What is the privacy policy for Shoot The Frame?
You can see the privacy policy for Shoot The Frame here.
What are the terms and conditions for Shoot The Frame?
You can see the terms and conditions for Shoot The Frame here.
What are the guidelines for the STF Community?
You can see the STF Community guidelines here.
What are the rules for the STF Awards?
You can see the STF Awards rules here.